
Click on a section link below to view its related topics. From there, you will be able to explore 265 detailed Key Findings, which correlate to the information on Afterlife 101. These key findings are compared against hundreds of quotes from respected sources. The results are shown as agreements or disagreements.

Death Experience for Adults deals with the various ways that adult humans die: singly and in groups; from age, illness or violence. It also describes the first steps in transition from human life to spirit life.

Agree: 166 divider Disagree: 22

Death Experience for Children describes the various ways that children die including miscarriages, abortion, sudden infant death syndrome, disease, accident, and murder. It describes their transition from human life back to spirit life, which differs from that of adults.

Agree: 15 divider Disagree: 1

Transformation from Human to Spirit discusses that important set of events that takes place just after a human arrives in heaven and is greeted by many individuals. It ends, for most spirits, when they arrive in their ultimate spirit family grouping. It also describes the particular circumstances associated with suicides, creation of "ghosts", individuals who commit evil acts on earth, and those who believe that they will experience nothingness or, alternatively, "hell".

Agree: 292 divider Disagree: 9

The Afterlife deals with the new life that is experienced by a spirit that has made its transformation from human form to living in its spirit home and with its spirit family group. It highlights, as best can be done for humans, the differences between the three-dimensional existence on earth and the afterlife.

Agree: 298 divider Disagree: 15

Reincarnation describes the process by which the decision is made in the spirit world to reincarnate on earth.

Agree: 107 divider Disagree: 3

Life on Earth shows a wide variety of ways that humans interact with the spirit world, and ways that the spirit world affects life among earthlings, particularly through the efforts of spiritual entities such as angels and spirit guides.

Agree: 195 divider Disagree: 11

Death ain't nothing but a fastball on the outside corner.